About Us
Scuba Duba Doo was established in Australia in 1991 by Malachy Mc Court. The company’s main objective was diver education, dive trips and tours. Since this time the company has trained some 1500 divers and has taken about the same number again for pleasure dives.

Our Story
The broad client base that we enjoy ranges from Australians to Europeans, Americans to Japanese. Due to our extensive range of training materials in many languages we have the ability to service customers from many countries. Our 100% safety record is very important to us, and as such all our staff is trained in Rescue, First Aid, CPR and Oxygen delivery systems. Safety has always been our motto.

PADI 5 Star Facility
As of Oct. 2000 S.D.D. DIVE CENTER has been up graded to a PADI 5 STAR facility. This is the highest rating a dive center can receive.
Our diving instructors and dive masters are fully qualified, insured, and internationally recognized with over 50 years of diving experience between them.
Currently we have instructors that are fluent in English, Japanese, French, German and Dutch with the ability to organize many other languages if the need arises. Through careful staff selection the company is able to provide a service to everybody, from the notice Snorkeler to the most experienced Technical diver.
Our Master

Yadi is an expert instructor from Jakarta, Indonesia. He has been living in Japan over 15 years and is fluent in English as well as Japanese. He is second to none in diving knowledge!

All the equipment we provide for dive trips and courses is from imported manufacturers and of the highest quality. We have a strict rule that all gear must be serviced every 6 months and replaced every 18 months with new equipment. All this is so you can feel comfortable and confident with the equipment, helping you to relax and enjoy the splendid corals and fish. Not to mention that you can look good in the underwater photos.
The use of all equipment is provided to you free of charge when diving with us or enrolling in a certification course.
Here at Scuba Duba Doo, Safety and Fun are Number One.
All Dive staff are trained in rescue, First Aid & C.P.R.
Air Quality
We fill our own cylinders at our dive center so you can dive with the confidence of knowing that the air your breathing is of the best quality, pumped by compressors that are well maintained and have the filters changed even before the recommended changing time.
Scuba Duba Doo is fully insured with the PADI recognized dive store insurance company. Whether you book on a course or just a single dive, automatically become insured through us.
General Travelers Safety
All travelers to foreign countries are advised to have adequate personal insurance, ideally covering legal, medical and theft.
Bali is no different, consult your travel agent or insurance broker to find a policy that is suitable for you. Remember to stipulate scuba diving as a possible activity.
Life in Bali is fun, and with a few simple precautions to safeguard your possessions and person you can easily avoid an incidence that would otherwise disrupt your holiday pleasure.
Here in Bali we have western standard medical services and a recompression chamber this at our service 24 hours a day.